
蠻牛日報 20091021 (共3版)

公 告 

  • 本報誠徵年輕的編輯小組成員

採訪上帝 Interview with God ...

I dreamed I had an interview with God.


  • 人們那麼快就厭倦孩童時光。他們急著想長大,長大之後卻渴望重回孩童時光。
  • That they get bored with childhood. They rush to grow up and then long to be children again.
  • 人們為了賺取金錢而失去健康,之後卻為了讓身體回復健康而花大把銀子。
  • That they lose their health to make money and then lose their money to restore their health.
  • 人們焦慮著未來而忘了把握現在,使得他們既沒有活在現今、也沒活在未來。
  • That by thinking anxiously about the future, they forget the present, such that they live in neither the present nor the future.
  • 人們活得好像他們不會死,可是死的時候卻發現他們好像不曾活過。
  • That they live as if they will never die, and die as if they had never lived.
God's hand took mine and we were silent for a while.  And then I asked...
“As a parent, what are some of life's lessons you want your children to learn?”

上帝微笑著回答:        God replied with a smile.

  • To learn they cannot make anyone love them. What they can do is let themselves be loved.
  • 學會不要和別人比較,那是一點用處都沒有的。
  • To learn that it is not good to compare themselves to others.
  • 真正的富有 不是擁有最多東西的人,而是需要最少的人。
  • To learn that a rich person is not one who has the most, but is one who needs the least.
  • 打開我們關愛的人的傷口只需要幾秒鐘,卻需要好多年才能復原。
  • To learn that it only takes a few seconds to open profound wounds in persons we love, and it takes many years to heal them.
  • 原諒是需要經常去練習的。
  • To learn to forgive by practicing forgiveness.
  • 有些人深愛著我們,但是,他們卻不知如何表達。
  • To learn that there are persons who love them dearly, but simply do not know how to express or show their feeling.
  • 兩個人可以同時看著同一樣事物,卻有不同的看法。
  • To learn that two people can look at the same thing and see it differently.
  • 別人原諒你,但是,你也要原諒自己。
  • To learn that it is not always enough that they be forgiven by others. But that they must forgive themselves.
  • 學會知道一件事:我一直都在你身邊。
  • And to learn that I am here always.

今日二版 - 仔細看一下你用的清潔劑


今日三版 - 養生九不過 (文耀 大哥 提供,請看附件)  
